only a ROOKIE year in the bag | ||||||
years | name | current section | years | name | current section | |
1 | Craig Adams | Inactive | 1 | Mike La Sorsa | Inactive | |
1 | Billy Allen | Inactive | 1 | James Lambert | Inactive | |
1 | Dave Anderson | Inactive | 1 | John Lambo | Inactive | |
1 | Al Arena | Inactive | 1 | Connie Lander | Inactive | |
1 | Anna Arenth | Inactive | 1 | Tim Lawless | Inactive | |
1 | Paula Atherton | Inactive | 1 | Heather Lo Mastro | Inactive | |
1 | Robin Augone | Inactive | 1 | Tim Lober | Inactive | |
1 | Angelo Auricchio | Inactive | 1 | Denise Lopez | Inactive | |
1 | Sue Bagley | Inactive | 1 | Colleen Lowe | Inactive | |
1 | Bob Baio | Inactive | 1 | George Lucas | Inactive | |
1 | Jen Balter | Inactive | 1 | Hank Lucyguido | Inactive | |
1 | Rich Balter | Inactive | 1 | June Lucyguido | Inactive | |
1 | Jenny Barraco | Inactive | 1 | Linda Lucyguido | Inactive | |
1 | Dylan Bashian | Inactive | 1 | Rusty Lucyguido | Inactive | |
1 | Logan Bashian | Inactive | 1 | Maria Lupardo | Inactive | |
1 | Pam Bashian | Inactive | 1 | Warren Manios | Inactive | |
1 | Sue Begley | Inactive | 1 | Danny Manning | Inactive | |
1 | Tony Bertone | Inactive | 1 | Mary Marini | Inactive | |
1 | Patty Blackall | Inactive | 1 | Beth Mc Cann | Inactive | |
1 | Mike Blander | Inactive | 1 | Jim Mc Crann | Inactive | |
1 | Greg Bonasera | Inactive | 1 | Leiann Mc Grory | Inactive | |
1 | Ginger Bourguignon | Inactive | 1 | Rob Mc Grory | Inactive | |
1 | Conga Boy | Inactive | 1 | Tim Mc Naughton | Inactive | |
1 | Keith Brandrif | Inactive | 1 | Doreen Mc Niff | Inactive | |
1 | Elyse Brier | Inactive | 1 | Maggie Mc Queen | Inactive | |
1 | Wayne Brusseau | Inactive | 1 | J J Merola | Inactive | |
1 | Joyce Caleb | Inactive | 1 | Ron Miratello | Inactive | |
1 | Michelle Campano | Inactive | 1 | Shirley Molina | Inactive | |
1 | Traci Carubled | Inactive | 1 | Parkins Molloy | Inactive | |
1 | Nicole Carullo | Inactive | 1 | Theresa Montoya | Inactive | |
1 | Carl Carvana | Inactive | 1 | Dan Mormando | Inactive | |
1 | Frank Catalano | Inactive | 1 | Nancy Morris | Inactive | |
1 | Marie Catalano | Inactive | 1 | Neil Moskowitz | Inactive | |
1 | Peter Catalano | Inactive | 1 | Brian Mulhern | R n R Heaven | |
1 | Eric Cheirif | Inactive | 1 | Colleen Mundy | Inactive | |
1 | Jordana Cheirif | Inactive | 1 | Kevin Munnelly | Inactive | |
1 | Tim Chodkowski | Inactive | 1 | Brian Murphy | Inactive | |
1 | Bill Christisen | Inactive | 1 | John Murray | Inactive | |
1 | Steve Cohen | Inactive | 1 | Brian Myles | Inactive | |
1 | Megan Connolly | Inactive | 1 | Chris Mystery Guitarist | Inactive | |
1 | Steve Connolly | Inactive | 1 | P N ui | Inactive | |
1 | Chris Coyne | Inactive | 1 | Pola Negri | Inactive | |
1 | Chris Coyne | Inactive | 1 | Mark Newman | Guitar | |
1 | Kevin Coyne | Inactive | 1 | Pete Nutty Irishman | Inactive | |
1 | Lynne Crittendon | Inactive | 1 | Nick Paccione | Inactive | |
1 | Tracey Cruz | Inactive | 1 | Tony Paccione | Inactive | |
1 | Girlfriend Cummings | Inactive | 1 | Jarrett Pagano | Inactive | |
1 | Jon Cusano | Inactive | 1 | Cindy Pick | Inactive | |
1 | Anthony D Amato | Inactive | 1 | Steve Pincus | Inactive | |
1 | Maria Dafko | Inactive | 1 | Joe Pitelli | Inactive | |
1 | Brad Davidson | Inactive | 1 | Nick Post | Inactive | |
1 | Donald Davidson | Inactive | 1 | Mike Precht | Inactive | |
1 | Helen Davidson | Inactive | 1 | Joyce Q | Inactive | |
1 | Mr. Judy Davis | Inactive | 1 | Steve Ramirez | Inactive | |
1 | Elaine Dehlman | Inactive | 1 | Annmarie Reidy | Inactive | |
1 | Bill Denton | Inactive | 1 | Meghan Reilly | Inactive | |
1 | Dennis Di Gregorio | Inactive | 1 | Marie Riccoboni | Inactive | |
1 | Nancy Drosgrey | Inactive | 1 | Diane Richards | Inactive | |
1 | Nick Dubanos | Inactive | 1 | Amy Rizzo | Inactive | |
1 | Ken Duncan | Inactive | 1 | Ben Rizzo | Inactive | |
1 | James Esposito | Inactive | 1 | Amanda Rogers | Inactive | |
1 | Sonia Esposito | Inactive | 1 | Kevin Rymer | Inactive | |
1 | Joe Farrell | Inactive | 1 | Nancy Sacca | Inactive | |
1 | Liam Farrell | Inactive | 1 | Joel Sameth | Inactive | |
1 | Denise Flaim | Inactive | 1 | Ann Marie Scarola | Inactive | |
1 | George Francs | Inactive | 1 | Tom Scarola | Inactive | |
1 | Venessa Franzese | Inactive | 1 | John Scarpulla | Inactive | |
1 | Tom Fraoli | Inactive | 1 | Robin Schwenker | Inactive | |
1 | Damarida Frasca | Inactive | 1 | Pete Schwing | Inactive | |
1 | Pete Gerontakos | Inactive | 1 | Jackie Seider | Inactive | |
1 | Eddie Goddesman | Inactive | 1 | Dinny Shields | Inactive | |
1 | Audrey Gordon | Inactive | 1 | Ed Shinn | Inactive | |
1 | Jeanne Graziano | Inactive | 1 | Frank Sielaff | Inactive | |
1 | Christine Greco | Inactive | 1 | Rick Silecchio Jr. | Inactive | |
1 | Erich Grommet | Inactive | 1 | Amanda Smalls | Inactive | |
1 | Danielle Keith Guido | Inactive | 1 | Gary Smith | Inactive | |
1 | Sarah Guido | Inactive | 1 | Jackie Soubaska | Inactive | |
1 | Dan Guido I I | Inactive | 1 | Wayne Soubaska | Inactive | |
1 | Jim Hackett | Inactive | 1 | Ernest Southard | Inactive | |
1 | Carl Haircut | Inactive | 1 | Spider | Inactive | |
1 | Chris Haircut | Inactive | 1 | Spunky | Inactive | |
1 | Lee Hardesty | Inactive | 1 | Bill Sterenchak | Inactive | |
1 | Keith Hart | Inactive | 1 | Monica Sterenchak | Inactive | |
1 | Austin Hennings | Inactive | 1 | John Stevens | Inactive | |
1 | Charris Hennings Sue | Inactive | 1 | Loreli Stevens | Inactive | |
1 | Keith Hill | Inactive | 1 | Tadpole | Inactive | |
1 | Noodlette Horvath | Inactive | 1 | Anthony Tartaglia | Inactive | |
1 | Phil Imperato | Inactive | 1 | Joanne Taylor | Inactive | |
1 | Justin Israel | Inactive | 1 | Keith Taylor | Inactive | |
1 | Dave Jonas | Inactive | 1 | Bob Tenteman | Inactive | |
1 | Steven Joy | Inactive | 1 | Tommy Thiel | Inactive | |
1 | Barry Karl | Inactive | 1 | Tom Tobin | Inactive | |
1 | Stephanie Keeperman | Inactive | 1 | Loren Vecchio | Inactive | |
1 | Steve Keith | Inactive | 1 | Kevin Video | Inactive | |
1 | Paul Kendell | Inactive | 1 | John Walsh | Inactive | |
1 | Lindsey Kenney | Inactive | 1 | Kim Walsh | Inactive | |
1 | Dave Kletcher | Inactive | 1 | Laura Weber | Inactive | |
1 | Abby Knox | Inactive | 1 | Rob Weber | Inactive | |
1 | Paul Kobel | Inactive | 1 | Rose Weber | Inactive | |
1 | Linda Koszalka | Inactive | 1 | Susan Weiss | Inactive | |
1 | Joanna Kurt | Inactive | 1 | Rosie Whitney | Inactive | |
1 | Anthony La Pinta | Inactive | 1 | Dana Wish | Inactive | |
1 | Marie La Pinta | Inactive | 1 | John Young | Inactive | |
1 | Maria La Sorsa | Inactive | 1 | Stephanie Zottoli | Inactive | |
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