2 ~ 4 years in the bag | ||||||
years | name | current section | years | name | current section | |
4 | Lisa Altman | Inactive | 3 | Gina Valenze | Inactive | |
4 | Barry Ambrosio | R n R Heaven | 3 | Billy Van Leer | Inactive | |
4 | Mike Bolitho | Inactive | 3 | Leah Waldner | Mulcahy's | |
4 | Mike Caton | Inactive | 3 | Greg Warnokowski | Inactive | |
4 | Lights Chris | Inactive | 3 | Heidi Weber | Inactive | |
4 | Pat Christison | Inactive | 3 | Nanci Weber | Category 5 | |
4 | Walter Czelowalnik | Inactive | 3 | Bill Wright | Category 5 | |
4 | Richard Danetti | Category 5 | 3 | Julie Wynn | Category 5 | |
4 | Matt De Luna | Inactive | 2 | Michele Anglisano | Inactive | |
4 | Pat Delaney | Inactive | 2 | Pedro Arevelo | Inactive | |
4 | Steve Ellers | Category 5 | 2 | Bruce Atlee | Inactive | |
4 | John Fitzmaurice | Inactive | 2 | Girlfriend Barca | Ladies Auxiliary | |
4 | Matt Fuhring | Inactive | 2 | Jerry Beck | Inactive | |
4 | Allison Gentile | Inactive | 2 | Amy Beres | Inactive | |
4 | Mark Gunton | Inactive | 2 | Nat Bergenfeld | Inactive | |
4 | Rebecca Gunton | Inactive | 2 | Bridgette Braun | Inactive | |
4 | Beer Guy | Inactive | 2 | Linda Brescia | Inactive | |
4 | Nanci Hennes | Inactive | 2 | Chris Brown | Inactive | |
4 | Sarah Hyder | Inactive | 2 | Karen Brown | Inactive | |
4 | Joe Lerro | Inactive | 2 | Kathleen Brown | Inactive | |
4 | Lighting 5 | Inactive | 2 | Helen Caddick | Inactive | |
4 | John Martin | Inactive | 2 | Justin Charles | Inactive | |
4 | Jay Mc Andrews | Category 5 | 2 | Allen Cheirif | Inactive | |
4 | Faneeza Mendez | Ladies Auxiliary | 2 | Samantha Cheirif | Inactive | |
4 | Jenna Noyes | Ladies Auxiliary | 2 | Stephanie Chin | Inactive | |
4 | Harry Oestreicher | Inactive | 2 | Chris Cleary | Inactive | |
4 | George Panos | Inactive | 2 | Chuck Cobb | Inactive | |
4 | Tom Peterson | Inactive | 2 | Roland Coffey | Group W Bench | |
4 | Renee Prager | Ladies Auxiliary | 2 | Francine Consi | Inactive | |
4 | Lindsey Quenqua | Inactive | 2 | Joe Da Corta | Inactive | |
4 | Rachel Quenqua | Inactive | 2 | Reese Dehler | Inactive | |
4 | Steve Romerio | Inactive | 2 | Josephine Discorso | Inactive | |
4 | Tom Santoriello | Inactive | 2 | Glenn Dodd | Inactive | |
4 | Maria Sarro | Inactive | 2 | Jon Doyle | Inactive | |
4 | Jennifer Savalli | Ladies Auxiliary | 2 | Rae Doyle | Inactive | |
4 | Diane Sivilli | Inactive | 2 | Cathy Dubas | Inactive | |
4 | Donna Small | Inactive | 2 | Doreen Eckman | Inactive | |
4 | Nancy Small | Inactive | 2 | Blake Elkin | Inactive | |
4 | Lynetta Stone | Inactive | 2 | Mike Fehling | Inactive | |
4 | Matt Story | Mulcahy's | 2 | Sal Ferraro | Inactive | |
4 | Joe Testagrossa | Inactive | 2 | Mike Flynn | Inactive | |
4 | Luis Umanzor | Inactive | 2 | Denise Gajda | Category 5 | |
4 | Linda Walker | Cheese Calzone | 2 | Anthony Gentile | Inactive | |
4 | Cathy West | Inactive | 2 | Billy German | Inactive | |
4 | Ed Wolstedlund | Inactive | 2 | Tom Giannoni | Inactive | |
4 | Pete Wulfing | Inactive | 2 | Christine Graziano | Inactive | |
4 | Kaitlyn Zant | Inactive | 2 | Pete Greco | Inactive | |
4 | Megan Zant | Inactive | 2 | Tom Guditus | Inactive | |
3 | Caroline Aiken | Inactive | 2 | Annette Matt Guido | Category 5 | |
3 | Andy Arenth | Inactive | 2 | Gracie Guido | Inactive | |
3 | Jason Avery | Inactive | 2 | Davin Halpern | Inactive | |
3 | Jeanne Barnwell | Inactive | 2 | Kerri Hauff | Category 5 | |
3 | Rob Barracco | Inactive | 2 | Kathy Hendrickson | Inactive | |
3 | Brian Behnke | Inactive | 2 | Tanya Hennigmann | Inactive | |
3 | Joseph Bernardino | Inactive | 2 | Wendy Hurgrueter | Inactive | |
3 | Scott Berry | Inactive | 2 | Maureen Hurley | Inactive | |
3 | Stephanie Bond | Inactive | 2 | Max Jaffe | Inactive | |
3 | Jessica Cheirif | Inactive | 2 | Nathan Johnson | Inactive | |
3 | Diego Chiriboga | Inactive | 2 | Eric Kalb | Inactive | |
3 | Marie Crawson | Inactive | 2 | Toni Kearney | Inactive | |
3 | Denise De Nobile | Category 5 | 2 | Misty Killean | Inactive | |
3 | Jules Doell | Inactive | 2 | Don King | Inactive | |
3 | Larry Fitzpatrick | Inactive | 2 | Karl Knocker | Inactive | |
3 | Kat Fox | Inactive | 2 | Dave Knudsen | Inactive | |
3 | Darren Gallagher | Guitar | 2 | Mike Lashnitz | Inactive | |
3 | Jay Genova | Inactive | 2 | Kathy Lau | Inactive | |
3 | Kathy Genova | Inactive | 2 | Brian Lavan | Inactive | |
3 | Nick Graziano | Inactive | 2 | Eileen Lazos | Ladies Auxiliary | |
3 | Sam Grossman | Inactive | 2 | John Marino | Inactive | |
3 | Kristen Grubert | Inactive | 2 | Dave Mc Cann | Inactive | |
3 | Michele Guido | Inactive | 2 | Blank Mc Elwee | Inactive | |
3 | Donny Hardy | Inactive | 2 | Mary Ellen Mc Elwee | Inactive | |
3 | Chris Harkins | Inactive | 2 | Jeanette Merola | Inactive | |
3 | Bob Henry DGTKY | Bagpipes | 2 | Carly Molina | Inactive | |
3 | Annie Humbach | Inactive | 2 | Mimi Molina | Inactive | |
3 | Billy Kerns | Inactive | 2 | Brian Moran | Inactive | |
3 | Steve Krucher | Inactive | 2 | J P Morgan | Inactive | |
3 | Diane Lo Basso | Inactive | 2 | Kathy Murphy | Inactive | |
3 | Stephen Lo Basso | Inactive | 2 | Chuck Norris | Inactive | |
3 | Kevin Long | Inactive | 2 | Derek Nugent | Inactive | |
3 | Drew Lowe | Category 5 | 2 | Gene O' Hagen | Inactive | |
3 | Nelson Lupo | Category 5 | 2 | Jackie Olivier | Inactive | |
3 | Donna Malech | Ladies Auxiliary | 2 | Mike Paccione | Inactive | |
3 | Jim Maniattis | Inactive | 2 | Tom Pagano | Inactive | |
3 | Joan Mc Cullough | Inactive | 2 | Victoria Pannell | Inactive | |
3 | April Mc Dermott | Category 5 | 2 | George Paxinos | Inactive | |
3 | Maddy Mc Elwee | Category 5 | 2 | Stacey Paxinos | Inactive | |
3 | Steve Mecca | Inactive | 2 | Carmen Pick | Inactive | |
3 | Gerard Murphy | Inactive | 2 | Maria Quenqua | Inactive | |
3 | Laurie Murray | Inactive | 2 | Lee Rasler | Inactive | |
3 | Tim Murray | Mulcahy's | 2 | Victor Rice | Inactive | |
3 | Kristine Nappo | Category 5 | 2 | Tony Saccone | Inactive | |
3 | Chris Nicholas | Inactive | 2 | Ben Saldinger | Inactive | |
3 | Steve O' Marra | Inactive | 2 | Julie Saldinger | Inactive | |
3 | Catherine Oestreicher | Inactive | 2 | Greg Schliech | Inactive | |
3 | Amy Oliver | Inactive | 2 | Tara Schumann | Inactive | |
3 | Anne Payter | Inactive | 2 | Bernie Spit | Inactive | |
3 | Tim Perkins | Inactive | 2 | Bill Stevens | Inactive | |
3 | Maria Piccolo | Inactive | 2 | Georgina Suriano | Inactive | |
3 | Larry Boom Boom Ports | R n R Heaven | 2 | Dyke Tilt | Inactive | |
3 | Steve Poutier | Inactive | 2 | Carmine Tomeo | Inactive | |
3 | Alyse Prager | Inactive | 2 | Roy Urarro | Inactive | |
3 | Larry Press | Inactive | 2 | Devin Vilardi | Inactive | |
3 | Bob Ranzette | Inactive | 2 | Kim Watters | Inactive | |
3 | Jami Reyburne | Inactive | 2 | Anita Weber | Inactive | |
3 | Joe Rock | Vocalist | 2 | Sarah Weber | Inactive | |
3 | Sue Ross | Ladies Auxiliary | 2 | Marty Wiener | Inactive | |
3 | Joe Sellitto | Inactive | 2 | Dwight Winther | R n R Heaven | |
3 | Bobby Simons | Inactive | 2 | Joe Wynn | Inactive | |
3 | Jack Sivilli | Inactive | 2 | Pat Zeller | Inactive | |
3 | Conor Tobin | Inactive | 2 | Paul Zilko | R n R Heaven | |
3 | David Tobin | Inactive | go to the top of this page |