Phil Reilly
electric & acoustic guitars
rubber biscuit
Phil stands to Jim's right. Phil began playing with Jim in 1976. Several of Phil's compositions are included in the regular JSB playlist. He plays several different guitars, usually covering a rhythm part. One of the things that gives the Jim Small Band's music it's "sound" is the intricate interweaving of 3 guitar players. On live recordings a careful listening reveals all three guitar players, each with their own sound and each with its own place in the arrangement. Phil sings many lead vocals and in the JSB vocal structure, he usually occupies the higher range parts. Phil is also the funniest person in the band. He doesn't tell so many jokes, he is just a funny person. Over our 40+ years together, I think we would all agree that Phil has made us laugh the hardest, the most number of times. When you spend that much time with any group of musicians, that ability to make each other laugh is so welcome and so necessary.