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Mike Guido,
Tony Rome, 7 Cheese Calzones, 12 vocalists, 12 guitars, 6 keyboards, 4
harmonicas, 7 horns, 9 basses, 13 percussionists, 62 crew members, 61
ladies auxiliary, 20 on the Group W Bench |
Absolutely a killer opening with 2001 - a Bag Oddity, Big Scotto & Dawnette sing Walk This Way, How High the Moon, There isn't much you can say about the Blind Faith
album. Awesome. Songs from space. And such costumes! Steve Finkelstein
always but now Lester and Scully and Don Prager and the costumes. Such
a group!
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#24 2001 |
Paper Bag
Artist Vocalists |
#24 2001 |
Paper Bag 2001 Space is the place. Tentative Songlist #10 is on the back of this sheet. Any last minute requests can be sent to me through the website (www.paperbagmusic.com). On run-through day (Mon June 25) we must end at 9:15pm so that Mulcahys can open. Please arrive on time that night and be ready when you are needed. Know what to do and when to do it. Ask questions. Dont be a banana head. Please remember that Bag shirts are to be worn only by the person to whom the shirt has been issued. Your Bag shirt entitles you to food, beer and backstage access. There are over 200 people in the band. NO ONE IS PERMITTED BACKSTAGE WITHOUT MY AUTHORIZATION. Have fun, get your ticket money and shirt name in early, and remember to practice good oral hygiene. Once again, almost 20% of the Bag tickets used by customers to gain admission last year were not paid for. In order for the Bag to continue as we know it, we need operating capital. Please understand that, unless you have been issued COMP tickets, every Bagger is responsible for at least 4 tickets worth of revenue. (In other words, be sure to fork over your 40 bucks so that we can continue to have the Paper Bag) Please bring a can of food for donation to those in our community who are less fortunate than we. Thanks There is no WILL CALL window at the Paper Bag (unless someone wants to volunteer to sit at the door and argue with people who should have gotten their tickets in advance from you.) Itinerary |
#24 2001 |
More Paper Bag
The Paper Bag Songlist Many of you are curious as to how we come up with the songlist. Usually we have some sort of a theme, but the 25th is a major bagiversary, so, during our January meeting the executive board listed all the bands usually covered during a bag. We then tried to pick the best bag song by each band. There was much discussion, laughter and needle dropping involved. (For those of you born after 1975, music used to be sold by using wax impressions cut into grooves on black vinyl discs. We called them records and played them using a phonograph and a needle). We play songs until we hit one where everyone starts dancing in their seat. That is when we know we have a winner. AC/DC is the only first time band on this years list. This happened because Larry Ketchel did an outrageous imitation of Angus Young, or Malcolm Young or whoever sings in that ridiculous screech. It was, in a word, hysterical. We then went down the list and assigned the songs to first set or second. They were sorted by band name, and when we read the list down it was perfect. From A to Z. Allmans to the Who, AC/DC to Zappa. Yeah!
This is the spot where
I get to thank
at Supreme Trophy in Huntington Station; Eko Video; S-K Sound; Mark Coffey
and the crew at Goldman Bros., Minuteman Printing in East Northport; The
Maker of the Melon Peggy Irwin; Jill Silberberg- the sign girl; Lisa Layton
for her wonderful work collecting and distributing food; the faculty and
staff at Garden City MS; my brothers and sisters working at the front
door missing the show; my three girls, Emma, Sara & Sue for making
me the happy boy you see here tonight. As you can see, I live a charmed
existence. Mulcahys is some great place to enjoy the Bag. From John Murray, right across to the bar backs, every one of the seemingly endless number of employees of this club is unfailingly helpful. These people understand the the Paper Bag at its purest essence. Muls now holds the record, with 6 bags, in no small part due to the support provided by these fine people. Please thank the Mulcahys staff when you see them. Patronize this fine establishment all year. Get home safely Peas & carrots,
peas & carrots, peas & carrots
is always sad to see a friend move away. Joanie Pollock has been a bag
participant for the past 8 years. In addition to providing lead vocals
on many songs, Joanie has been one of the true Paper Bag soldiers, the
people who really make the show work. She has sung backup on countless
songs, and when we will occasionally grind to a halt, she is always ready
to take charge. Joan is moving to Montreal and we wish her the best of
luck. The Savannah Joe Kommnick Are these donuts fresh? Moment Many of you in the Paper Bag community knew Joe Kommnick simply as Savannah. I had the privilege working with this gentle man in the clubs on the South Shore for over 10 years. Savannah Joe was a bright ray of happiness that cut through the smoky air and shined into your heart. He was always ready with a joke, your favorite libation, or an absurd movie quote . There was never anything harsh about Savannah Joe none of the rough edges many of us who live the night life develop. I miss his company. In 1996 we inaugurated the tradition of performing a song each year that connects us with Joe, so that we may have a vehicle to help us remember this fine man. This year, Lost in the Ozone is dedicated to Savannah Joe. In keeping with Joes sense of humor, and to ease the melancholy of the moment, before we begin the song, We ask all of you to place an index finger, held horizontally, just below your nose and all together ask in a falsetto voice Are these donuts fresh? THE BROWN PAPER BAG is the only thing civilized man has produced that does not seem out of place in nature. Crumpled into a wad of wrinkles, like the fossilized brain of a dryad; looking weathered; seemingly slow and rough enough to be a product of natural evolution; its brownness the low key brown of potato skin and peanut shell, dirty but pure; its kinship to tree unobstructed by the cruel crush of industry; absorbing the elements like any other organic entity a No. 8 Kraft brown paper bag lay discarded in the hills of Huntington and it appears to live where it lay. by
Tom Robbins 2001
Rome Scott Savitt |
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The Paper Bag is the World's Only 70 Piece Rock Band ~ It is a celebration of friends and musicians who have
been together over 40 years ~ Fun is the best thing to have.
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