~ the back wall - Louis - page 5 ~


A tee shirt featuring reggae legend Bob Marley was just there waiting for a kid to say "Mr. Guido, who is that?"

Louis and his tuba

I had 2 Mac G5 desktop computers in the band room. One on my desk was for teacher stuff, used mostly for admin tasks and working and creating materials for use in class. This one was by the podium, used for video and audio presentations for students in the classroom.

Under Bob Marley is my 12 channel mixing board for the EV speakers. We have an audio cassette deck and a unit that played VHS and CD/DVDs that was connected to the projector on the ceiling.

The stud in the photo at left is Louis. One day, when I tried to demonstrated to Louis how easily I could manipulate Ms. Vasco, he replied that he had several sisters and claimed be the king of that kind of stuff. A classic moment for both Ms. Vasco and I, one I am certain she remembers clearly to this day.

The paper chart on the whiteboard is a for the custodians to reset the chairs in the band room after the daily cleaning. There is no way to overstate how good the custodians and buildings & grounds guys were, how hard they worked for us in the music department to be able to stage shows all over the place, all year long. Set up 300 chairs in the cafeteria for morning assembly - take em down before lunch. Transport drums and percussion stuff to the high school for concerts. Set up choral risers - now move them to the gym. It was endless.

I had some of my best times hanging around in the custodian's caberet with Paul and the boys, mostly rolling out eyes and laughing at the guy on the other end of ther walkie talkie pleading "Paul - come in Paul - over!"