Beginning in 2001, email became the standard for "mailing lists." Since 2001, I have sent hundreds of JSB Calendars to anyone who will accept them. I will endeavor to track these notices down from the hard drives living in the series of Mac computers that sit on a shelf in the back. The emails, however, have limited appeal because they are more business like and to the point. Who-What-When-Where but not much of Why-How. the Why-How was always the funniest part.
All the documents in this section that I scanned into the computer have been resting in a drawer of a bedside table that is tucked away in a nook of the War Room. This drawer is labeled "ARTWORK ORIGINALS" For the past 20 or so years this is where I would toss original documents after they were sent to the printer. This is the first time I have looked through them. It has been a pretty wild experience, digging back through the years and thinking about the events that caused me to write what I wrote and why cartoons from MAD magazine were so perfect to express the circus that is the Jim Small Band. I laughed alot making these calendars and I laughed alot rereading them. I hope you had as much fun with them as I did.